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Danielson Framework:

Domain 3: Instruction

3a. Communicating with Students

In designing and instructing my lessons, it is vital I communicate the day’s agenda to my students so they have an understanding of what is expected of them in class.  This PowerPoint Presentation from one of my lessons from student teaching addresses the expectations of each student and explains the directions for each activity.

3b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques & 3c. Engaging Students in Learning

As a way to gauge student preparedness for the upcoming content in my lessons, a fun strategy is through the use of questioning and discussion techniques.  In my questions that prompt discussion, I strive to initiate connections to the students' lives, so they find interest and value in the content.  Below are some examples of questions for Do Now’s that have guided verbal discussions with students.  Presented on the right is a web cluster of student responses to the prompted question, "What is site-specific dance?"


3c. Engaging Students in Learning & 3d. Using Assessment in Instruction

Below is a Jamboard students collaboratively completed.  This activity engaged students and assessed their understanding by recalling movement exercises from a warm-up I taught them, and then categorizing the exercises into appropriate components of a warm-up.  

Whether virtual or in person, one fun and interactive way I quickly and efficiently checked for their understanding of content was through Kahoot! games.  These fun assessments maintained student engagement and encouraged a friendly competition between peers.  Above is a Kahoot! assessing students' content knowledge from our Hip Hop unit. 

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